
Where it all started. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and how this blog started

Hi Precious Gem, I believe that living for God should demonstrate godliness in every area of our lives. 

So just a bit about myself. My name is Vanessa and I am a UK Christian blogger, a mum, a wife and most importantly a Christian. I gave my life to Christ in Feburary 2011 and I have never looked back. 

Precious Godliness can be described as a Christian lifestyle blog about spiritual growth and living a life that brings glory to God. The purpose of this blog is to help others live the best Christian life ever.

 I share my experiences, thoughts and views about my journey to loving Jesus more and more. This platform is also opening to allowing others to share their story and journey. 

Growing up, I knew about Christianity and Jesus but I lacked the knowledge which caused me to live a life that would of taken me to hell. To make matters worse, I sincerely thought I would go to heaven because I knew about Jesus. In other words, I was a hypocrite and I didn’t even know it.

At the age of 16, I started to attend a church where I started my journey of knowing God for myself but I do not recall getting saved. I was heavily involved in the church but my lifestyle did not add up. I use to go clubbing with my church friends and still come to church on the Sunday with no conviction or guilt. 

PreciousGodliness FAQ


After having my second child, I realised that I needed to find another means of earning money from home and this led me to start a personal finance blog. The more I worked on the blog the more I had a desire to write content that was Godly centred. This led to me starting this blog, firstly because it flowed with my other blog: Precious Earnings. But also living a godly life in this day and age is very hard to find and see and I want to show the world that it is possible to have an amazing life and God will honour those who pursue godliness.

1 Timothy 4:7, NLT: 7 Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. 8 “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”

God tells us to not chase after the things of this world but to exercises godliness. Meaning we need to exercise godliness in our marriages, singleness, relationships, friendships, conduct, mindset and life overall.

If I have to be specific, it is for that woman who is on a path to knowing God more and more. It is also for people who want learn more about the real christian life. My self and anyone who contributes to this platform is SAVED AND BORN AGAIN. We believe in salvation, Jesus is God, Heaven and Hell.

We will share testimonies, daily struggles, marriage and more.If you have read all the way down then I will love to invite to join my mailing list whereby I share bi-weekly tips, advice, motivations and inspirational content.

Strive for godliness each day everyday





Fast Forward

Fast forward a few years living a yoyo christian lifestyle, I went to India to teach for 10 weeks. In that time, I was able to reconnect with God and prayed that  I find a good church that I can be a part of.

I recall God telling me that I will start a new church, it will be small and I will have to work and help young women, 9 years down the line, everything God told has come to past and beyond. And this blog is an extension of my desire to help people.

I am a happily married woman with two wonderful children with a desire to be a missionary one day.

Matthew 28 vs 16-20




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